Play Video Yes, a torn rotator cuff can absolutely cause neck pain. When your shoulder is not functioning normally, it's very common to get pain at the base of the...
Play Video Unfortunately, a torn rotator cuff cannot heal on its own. Even partial tears where the rotator cuff is not completely torn do not heal on their own. In...
Play Video A torn rotator cuff doesn't necessarily hurt all the time, but it would hurt with activities that require the rotator cuff such as raising your arm over your...
Play Video In the worst case scenario if you leave a torn rotator cuff alone for a long enough period of time, you will develop arthritis in your shoulder. This...
Play Video There's a wide range in recovery from rotator cuff surgery, and a lot of it depends on how big the rotator cuff tear is, and the quality of...
Play Video Rotator cuff tears are extremely common. If a shoulder injury is not responding to common sense treatment options after the first few weeks, I think it's a great...
Play Video No, x-rays do not show rotator cuff tears. X-rays show us the bones, and are able to tell us if you broke or dislocated anything, as well as...
Play Video Within the last five to ten years, many other options have come up for irreparable rotator cuff tears that are not as aggressive as shoulder replacement surgery such...