What is PRP?
PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma and is commonly used as a treatment for musculoskeletal injuries in an effort to avoid surgery. Musculoskeletal disorders are typically injuries that affect the body’s muscles, tendons and ligaments. Common examples of musculoskeletal disorders are shoulder and knee injuries, such as rotator cuff tears, meniscus and ACL injuries, or arthritis of the knee, hip, or shoulder. The process of collecting PRP is performed by taking a sample of your own blood and utilizing a specialized centrifuge to separate red and white cells from plasma. The plasma is full of growth factors and healing factors, which are then injected into an area of injury to utilize your body’s innate capability to heal itself.
Does PRP Work?
PRP is injected into sites where musculoskeletal injuries have occurred to stimulate a healing response and leverage the body’s ability to heal on its own. PRP can be used to treat many common musculoskeletal injuries and disorders like knee arthritis, hip arthritis, shoulder arthritis, partial rotator cuff tears, and tennis elbow, and many others and often helps patients avoid surgical treatment. When used in conjunction with surgery, they can help patients recover more quickly.
How long do PRP injections last?
The duration of response to PRP is variable, but can often improve pain and function to the point where patients elect to delay joint replacement for years or avoid the need for joint replacement or other surgical treatments completely.
Is PRP Painful
A common question that patients have is, are the PRP injections painful? The entire process is performed to ensure that it is as comfortable as possible. Only a small amount of blood is obtained and the injections of PRP are often pain-free or associated with only a very minor amount of discomfort.
Is PRP FDA approved?
Yes, these treatments are FDA approved.
PRP falls under the term of biologic treatments, and over the past 10 to 15 years, a lot of clinical research and studies have come out supporting both the safety and efficacy of the treatment. There are currently at least 30 level one research studies that look specifically at PRP for hip and knee arthritis, rotator cuff tears, and tennis elbow. That burden of evidence has far surpassed some of the things we’ve been doing in orthopedics for 50 years, such as knee replacements.
Is PRP Covered by Insurance?
PRP is not typically covered by insurance, so there is still an out-of-pocket expense.
I do make every effort to minimize the amount of out-of-pocket expenses for my patients.
How Much Does PRP Cost?
The treatments range between $600 to $800 per injection. While some injuries require a series of 3 injections, most injuries typically only require one.
Given the efficacy, I really believe in making these treatments as accessible and affordable as possible to my patients. If you think you might benefit from PRP, I would be happy to meet with you. Please feel free to contact my office and schedule an appointment.